Users, Roles, and Privileges

If you are the Organization Administrator, you can add user accounts to your organization. Yottaa users log in with a user ID and a password and an optional dual-factor authentication code. When you create a user account you can grant one or more of the roles described, depending on the user's level of responsibility and the typical tasks they perform in your organization.

The table below describes the user roles available in Yottaa, and the privileges of each role. Any other roles visible in the drop-down list when you create a user should not be granted except at the direction of Customer Success.




Organization Persona Manager


Full ability to manage user accounts. No other privileges.

DNS Administrator

Edge Acceleration

Privileges to administer domains hosted by Yottaa DNS only. Yottaa hosts domains only for Edge Acceleration.

Security Administrator

Edge Acceleration

Can edit firewall and DNS rules only. Cannot change site modes, flush the cache, or edit optimizations.

Org Admin - Platform


Organization administrator privileges, with read/write access to all system data and settings, system accounts, and user accounts for the organization, for Edge Acceleration and Yottaa

Org Admin - Rapid


Organization administrator privileges, with read/write access to all system data and settings, system accounts, and user accounts for the organization, for Yottaa without Edge Acceleration only, which was formerly called Rapid CTRL.

Cache Manager

Edge Acceleration

Can manage and flush the cache only.

Organization Finance Administrator


Can view and edit the credit card on file and the balance of the account. The user with this privilege is the email contact for Yottaa Billing.

Organization Editor


Similar to the Org Admin role. Can make changes to all areas of the platform, however they cannot create or modify accounts.. Applies to both Edge Acceleration and Yottaa.

Organization Tech

Edge Acceleration

Can change mode (bypass, live, transparent proxy, maintenance) and flush cache only. Cannot edit optimizations.

Organization Viewer


Has view-only access to all the organization configurations and settings that the Org Admin role can edit.